Getting up each and everyday to work out is no easy task. There are days when you do not want to get out of bed, but you know you have to. There are those times when you start running and realize this will not be a good day and you want to stop. There is the time when you are driving to the gym and decide to turn into a lot and just relax instead of working out the core. For years that is exactly what I did.
That was until I started running for my health, my family and most of all my beast friend who was taken from us in Iraq. He was on his third tour in Iraq and never faltered in his dedication to duty. When he got in country for that last tour he ran a Marathon in the heat of day to pass the time before going on his first mission. SSG Jon Martin is why I started taking running seriously.
Whenever I feel like I do not want to go faster, further or at all I think of his accomplishments and what he would be doing today. That puts me up and over the edge to break through the walls.
Today I ran a 10K for the Week of The Eagles at Fort Campbell. As I ran through the woods and on the roads of the Fort I could envision him running in front with his young recon soldiers pushing them to their physical limits. That is what still motivates me today.
As if having Jon to be my guiding light for his physical prowess and unmatched leadership abilities was not enough. On 31 December 2010 at 1130 Am local time Afghanistan, I lost one of my young Sergeants. He was a leader who cared for his young Soldiers and Sappers. He always had a way to lighten any moment even if he was the one who made it intense to begin with. His loss left a void in our Platoon, but as he did in life , he was able to lighten the moment and he motivated the section from the other side. He was the guiding force for us to make it the last 4 plus months and get home. SGT Michael Beckerman is my second light that pushes me over the edge.
As I rest here writing, I am looking forward to honoring them both tomorrow as I run for both of them as well as all the Eagles we have lost here at Fort Campbell in the last 10 years. We will run in the 4th annual run for the fallen on Sunday night with these Heroes looking over us all. They are my motivation
What gets you going?