As the weeks wind down towards my first Marathon days are flying by or blending together. As I run down Tiny Town dodging the speeding cars everything is a blur. Turning onto even more risky roads just to get in the longer miles. Am I after the rush of adrenaline as each vehicle comes within feet of me? Or am I just out there enjoying my run?
I think it is a little bit of both. We all like the adrenaline rush when we are running or competing in any activity. I also just love to get out there and run the further the better. I logged well over 200 miles in the time between my posts along with working an insane amount of hours over that time as well.
Just as i feel like I do not want to go I find other reasons to get out and go. As I train for my first full my running partner who is my best friend and wife is training for her Half-Marathon circuit. So I run in the morning alone or with the platoon then I come home and she is ready to go so I change shoes and we are out the door. Everyday we all look for new motivators to add to our bag of them or we just reach in and check off one again. I think I have enough in my bag to motivate me for a while. What is in your bag?
As I was about to post a couple weeks ago yet another of my friends was taken from us too soon. Douglas Wade Jones you were a great Husband, Father, Friend and leader. I know we are being watched out for now from above. Thanks for all the guidance you gave me when I really needed it. Rest in Peace brother.