How do we define progress?
Is it by finishing a
run and having something left in the tank?
Is it by winning a race or hitting that elusive PR?
I used to define my progress by both of them. If I ran 12 miles in training and was able to
talk most of the way, man that was progress.
When I place in my Age Group or hit a new PR at any distance the
excitement was always there. Now I still
get excitement out of both of those I just define progress differently.
Currently I am coaching a Team of 10 to qualify for the Army
10 Miler team representing Ft Campbell.
They are a mixture of raw talent and running studs. The raw talent can and will run their hearts
out simply because they can. The studs
have not been tested at speed past two miles but have the confidence to
succeed. My job with this group is not
that hard. I know each of them will
fight to make this team and be in the top 5 come May 2nd. I have no doubts in their abilities to make
it the distance. To define their
progress will be to get them to make improvements over their start times and
see how close they can get to the 65 minute qualifying time. (Yes
some Soldiers are very fast)
My team ranges in age from 18 – 42. I have short members and some around 6
feet. The ones who are middle of the
pack are the ones that I look to pull the biggest gains and fastest times. Is it
because they have experience? No, not at
all, it is usually these guys who want to push themselves harder to prove they
are better than the rest around them.
Yesterday I ran with my favorite training partner, my
wife. She has been there for me and the
family throughout my career so dedicating the time to help her through a race
is no problem. She is scheduled for
surgery in a few days and full of the stress that comes with that. The race started and the corral to leave was
tiny. People were pushing into each
other before heading down the hill. I
ran a bit in front of her just to keep her moving. By the end she PRd in a 10K without knowing
she was doing it. We crossed the finish,
which was on a pretty good incline at 1 hour and 49 seconds. I slowed and let her run in front of me
through the shoot. I did not tell her
the time for a while until she cooled off a little bit. The smile on her face, when I told her,
defined progress for me. She was able to
PR without trying.
I am getting closer to my first Half-Marathon since being
injured and progress for that day will be defined in completion along with
pushing myself through to new heights of fitness along the way.
Is progress the clock?
Running New Distances? Pushing
others to new heights?
In my humble opinion they all sort of equal progress
however, each goal we make for ourselves ultimately defines the progress we are
looking for.
Now as you go out and run or
whatever endeavor you delve into, what defines your progress?
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