Sunday, August 18, 2013

What drives you to sign up for a Race? The Finish

     Well after a little over a month of listening to fellow runners and weekend warriors I can finish this post.  I know as I get to looking at the calendar for running I have to put an overlay on it to match my work schedule.  My work schedule and the fitness training there most times compliments my running training however, there are times where the Army has me doing crazy things the week of my big events.  This has happened to me on five occasions now.  I wait to see work’s calendar now before scheduling my big events.  

     Most runners who I spoke to or replied on this thread were on the same sheet with prices.  $30 seems to be about the cap for a price for a 5K while some were willing to pay as much as $45 for a 10K.  Other factors that drive runners to the 5K scene are swag.  What do I get for running in your race?  T-shirts are a draw for many 5Ks.  Although sizes need to be spread a little further.  Race directors should know that most starting fitness programs are a bit bigger and hit the 5Ks to get going.  Do you run in 5Ks only because you know you will place in them and shy away from those you won’t?  What is the biggest 5K you have run in that is not commercialized? (color run, zombie run, etc.)

    I scan the running chatter on Facebook and Twitter and always see people talking about the big name races for Marathons and 1/2s.  I know many people have said they love the medals of the Rock and roll series.  I have run in many big Half-Marathons.  I have also hit the small quaint ones as well.  My first Half-Marathon was the Chief Ladiga Half-Marathon.  There were no medals for finishing; I got a pair of good running gloves.  Each year the race switches directions between Piedmont and Jacksonville, Al.  I then found out what bling was a couple months later when I ran the Mercedes ½ in Birmingham.  What is the best bling you have earned finishing a race?  

     Do you have any other factors you want to add? 

Thanks for the feedback :)  

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